Gwenz Weebly!

DO NOT flush medicine, pills, etc. and other pills down the toilet or in the sink because this will contaminate oceans, lakes, and other water sources. The contamination will poison the water and cause side affect to animals and humans that drink the water.
GREEN TIP #2: ROLL UP windows in the car when your on the highway. The wind going the opposite way in your car pushes against the back of the car making the engine work harder to keep going forward.
 GREEN TIP #3: RECYCLE cell phones. Recycling phones can help save the gorillas, when your phone gets thrown away, it goes to a landfill, there the hazardous chemicals found in the phones, including antimony, arsenic, copper, cadmium, lead, and zinc can be release causing bad effect to gorillas.
GREEN TIP #4: BUYECO-FRIENDLY cleaning substances and always makes sure to buy the soaps and cleaning substances that say they donate a dollar to save the animals. Normal cleaning substances can have hazardous chemicals and if they get outside they pollute.
GREEN TIP #5: RECYLE toothbrushes, millions of toothbrushes end up in landfills each year. Imagine everybody throwing out their toothbrush. A lot of toothbrushes right?
GREEN TIP #6: DO NOT STEP on spiders!! Spiders are natural pest controllers. There are about 40,000 species of spiders that all eat pestering insects and are an important part of the food web. Pick up the spider with a napkin andput the spider outside instead of killing it.

  • Borrow things from neighbors if you can. You don’t have to go all the way to the grocery store just to get one simple project.
  • Check your fridge! The EPA says the refrigerator should be 37 degrees Fahrenheit and the freezer should only be 3 degrees. Anything colder is wasting energy. That’s important, because refrigerators and freezers use about a sixth of home electricity. To check the temperature, put a weather thermometer into the fridge.
  • If you want a new computer, then the laptop is the best option. A regular computer uses 150 watts of energy while it’s on and uses just under one sixth of the houses electricity, while a laptop computer only uses 15-25 watts and it’s portable so you can use it anywhere. 
  • Don’t get paper or plastic bags from groceries, why don’t you bring your own bag? Honestly, how many of the grocey store bags do you use again? Most of you will say none or maybe once. But, it takes oil and other important materials to make the bags. So, bring your own bag and help save the environment!
  • When it's time to send your children off to school, put them on the school bus, instead of driving them in your own vehicle. These days, about 25% of children ride the bus. You may think it’s only a convenience, but the school bus is actually the safest way for children to travel to school. On a school bus, an average of 20 kids die a year, but in a car on the way, to school over 500 people die and 80,000 are injured. Plus, the bus is more fuel efficient and it helps to save so much time.